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Mental Health First Aid Training - Supporting Youth

BC Children's Hospital

Mental Health Services


This section will provide information about resources and services available to you or your child if you are:

Looking for general mental health information

  • A current patient

  • In need of emergency care

Mental Health Resources

BC Student
Mental Health & Wellbeing

Schools are helping students build skills and knowledge to contribute to their wellbeing. 

BC Curriculum - Take action - find resources for parents, students, educators.

Erase - building safe and caring school communities.  Empowering students, parents, educators and community partners who support them to get help with challenges, report concerns to schools, and learn about complex issues facing students.

Here at home - Thrive Squamish, is a Blog where Squamish Principals post discussion questions or things to consider when watching posted video clips or reading the content to support kids mental wellness.

Local Community Services

Canadian Mental Health Association 

Kids and teens are constantly changing.  How can you tell which changes are normal? Learn more.​

Howe Sounds Women's Centre

PEACE program - Free counselling & support groups for young people, age 3-18 who have experienced violence, abuse, separation at home.


Sea to Sky Community Services

Programs & Services - Programs to promotes & strengthens family life, and child/family development.

Whistler Community Services Society

Support for parents to learn from other parents and professionals. Support for pregnancy or infant loss.

Foundry BC

Find information to assist you in understanding mental health and wellness in young people, identifying signs of mental health difficulties, tips for conversations with your youth or young adult and where to find additional resources and support.

Supporting Others

Foundry - Home Page

Foundry - Sea to Sky *NOW OPEN

Caring for Kids

Taking care of our mental health is just as important as having a healthy body. Parents play an important role in their child’s mental health.

Learn more from the Canadian Paediatric Society's Caring for Kids,

where you'll find information on:

Screen Time & Social Media Safety

Behaviour and Development

Healthy Living

Mental Health, and more

Kelty Mental Health Resource Centre (@ BC Children's)

Helping families navigate the mental health system, connect with peer support, and access resources and tools to support wellbeing.

Phone: 1-800-665-1822

Ask Kelty Mental Health - to help find supports and services for BC children & youth.

Navigation Videos - Help with understanding and navigating the mental health system and processes.

Substance Use - Understanding substance use and young people. Challenges, risks, & resources. 

Mental Health - Learn how to recognize signs and symptoms early & get professional help.

Healthy Living ResourcesLearn how to make small, healthy changes to your daily lives to create a positive impact on mental health.

Student Mental Health Toolkit

The Stigma Free Society believes that mental health education should be integrated into all classrooms They have designed this new Online Student Mental Health Toolkit to make this goal a reality. 

Find resources for:

  • Teachers

  • Students

  • School Counsellors

  • Parents, Guardians & Caregivers​

Student Mental Health Toolkit

Feelings First

Feelings First is a campaign to introduce important concepts around Social and Emotional Development in the early years, to parents and caregivers across British Columbia.


It’s vital to become familiar with the important role of social and emotional development in the early years.

Feelings First


Helping children and young people by helping their family and other caring adults. 

Parent Peer Support workers provide mentoring, navigation and access to information, resources, networks and education for families of young people who have mental health / substance use challenges.

1 (855) 887 8004

Find Resources, training and workshops aimed at working well together.

In the Know - expert speakers on topics important to families who are parenting a child with a mental health and/or substance use challenge. 

Find On-line Self Care and Self Assessment Resources

Parent | Caregiver Mental Health Resources

As parents and caregivers, it can be scary and overwhelming when a child is experiencing a mental health or substance use challenge. Know that you are not alone. Local programs and resources are available to help you through this journey and to help navigate support options.

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